Category: Filter Test Machine
Filter test body with a streamlined integrated Gear Pump heated with electric cartridge heaters. The gear pump delivers 3 cc/RPM and is driven by an infinite variable speed 1 HP geared AC motor. A programmable inverter controls the speed of the gear pump. A pressure and melt temperature sensor is inserted in the channel to the gear pump inlet. The pressure sensor is connected to a pressure control instrument that in turn will regulate the extruder screw speed to ensure that it delivers a steady flow of polymer at a constant pressure. Filter test head is mounted in line with the gear pump and extruder. This new system makes changing of filter very fast and easy and it also ensures that the filter is fully sealed at all times. The recording and controls are made with an on-board Panel PC with LCD screen. The test parameters can be keyed in on a very practical Key Board with large Scroll Mouse on a pull out drawer, mounted on the control panel.