Category: Blown Film Lines and Co-Ex
Our new Compact LCF-400 CO-EX film blowing line is a viable low cost alternative to our regular co-ex film blowing lines. The line has 3 respectively 5 extruders of low boy type connected to a three/ five layer pancake type film blowing die. It is equipped as standard with a rotating nip-roll wind up system where the entire film tower including wind up section is oscillating 360° over the die assembly.
- Compact design taking up a minimum of floor space
- Entire line mounted on a sturdy steel podium eliminating the need to secure the extruders and tower to the floor. Steel platform contains all major supply cables, hoses and air ducts giving a very clean appearance with very few visible connections to the extruders and tower.
- Tower assembly mounted on low friction rails enabling easy access to die and air ring.
- Lowboy type extruders aligned with low height die assembly for convenient operation
- Motorized height adjustment of the tower nip gap with collapsing frame for flexible blow up ratios and optimum bubble cooling applications
- Modular pancake die assembly which is custom designed in consultation with our Canadian expert designer to for optimum co-ex film applications with your specific types of polymer
- Dual-channel air ring for optimum cooling efficiency
- Easily adjustable stabilizing cage with Teflon rollers for various film bubble sizes
- Compact oscillating film tower which greatly minimizes the effects of film gauge variations for quality film rolls
- Surface wind up station with air shafts for easy changeover of rolls.
- All units are designed for minimum space consumption and optimized workspace
- Fully computerized