Category: Cast Film and Co-Ex
High Speed Chill Roll attachment type LCRHS-700 and LCRHS-900 For films down to 10 microns with a line speed up to 100 meter per minute. This stack comprises of a main large 400 mm diameter chill roll which faces the die, followed by two rolls of 200 mm diameter. The large diameter chill roll enables a rapid cooling of the film, assisted by a vacuum box to enable instant contact of the melt to the chill roll surface without entrapment of air. The entire rolling stack is mounted on an individual heavy duty rigid frame, separated from the down stream unit but with common rail system. The high speed chill roll unit is made for production of single as well as multilayer films with a line speed of up to 100 meter/minute. For LCRHS-700 the width of rolling stack is 700 mm and it is suitable for production of films and sheets with a width up to around 650 mm. which after edge trimming will have a width of around 550 mm. For LCHRS-900 the width of rolling stack is 900 mm and it is suitable for production of films and sheets with a width up to around 800 mm.